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Analyze The Causes Of Genocide Dbq. Genocide is one of the many things today that is so hard to prevent. The word genocide comes from the Greek word geno-, meaning race or tribe, and from the Latin word -cide, meaning killing. The genocides range from the Armenian genocide, the genocide in Darfur, in Rwanda, the Holocaust, and so much more. This DBQ has six documents about The Rape of Nanking, The Holocaust and The Rwandan Genocide. The prompt says, "Analyze the justifications and effects of genocide during the twentieth-century." The documents show that a common justification is the dehumanization and the effects are large numbers of Recognizing the Armenian Genocide, by Meghry Tutunjian. The Armenian Genocide, known as the first genocide of the 20 th century, was the systematic annihilation of the Christian Armenians of the Ottoman Empire, in present-day Turkey, during World War I. Yet today, only 28 nations recognize this historical event as a "genocide," and the Learning Objectives. In this lesson students will: Examine primary and secondary sources to learn about the range of choices available to individuals, groups, and nations in response to the Armenian Genocide; Understand the dilemmas facing individuals, groups, and nations responding to genocide in a time of war; Consider their own actions when Throughout history there have been many attempts to stop genocide such as international laws being put into place, but all of these attempts have been in vain because genocide has been a recurring issue throughout modern time. Cases such as the Bosnian "ethnic cleansing" (Document I) just goes to show that Genocidal acts cannot be stopped. The term "genocide" was coined in 1944 by Raphael Lempkin, a Polish legal scholar who escaped the Holocaust and dedicated his life to creating a legal definition of genocide. He drew from the Armenian Case when constructing his definition of genocide as well as the Holocaust which was unfolding in front of him. Common factors seen in most genocides include racial and religious tensions, as well as desperation on the part of the "attacking" party. One of the most tragic and under-researched mass 315 Pillsbury Drive. Minneapolis, MN. 55455. Phone: 612-624-0256. Fax: 612-626-9169. feins001@umn.edu. TeachGenocide.com is a cyber resource library published specifically for teachers by The Genocide Education Project where various teaching resources on the Armenian Genocide and other gross human rights violations are available to download This lesson examines the ways in which historical evidence has been used to construct a narrative of the Armenian Genocide. In 1915, there was no word to accurately describe what the Turks were doing to the Armenians. Use your knowledge of the Armenian Genocide and these documents to answer the following questions. 1. According to Document 2, the 1915 massacre of Armenians a. went unpunished. b. was ineffective and unsuccessful. c. b.was not as well documented as the 1896 massacre. d. was committed with the knowledge of the Turkish government. d. 2. Genocide Dbq Analysis 1188 Words | 5 Pages. Ottoman empire went through a civil war during this time, which explains the deaths of so many Armenians. Although the Turks claim otherwise, the treatment of the Armenian people during World War I qualifies as a genocide through scale, government involvement, and the usage of the genocide process. The Totally Unofficial Man: A Holocaust Surviv
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