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Battery Chargers - Smart, Automatic, Electronic, Professionnal. The green LED lights as soon as the battery is fully charged. An ongoing charging process is indicated by the yellow LED lighting. The green LED lights when the1.1 Clean the battery terminals. 1.3 Place the charger as far away as the cables will allow. 1.4 Set the charger to the proper voltage. 1.5 Connect a charger Current charge: 11 amp; Volt: 12V; Capacity of battery: 18-120Ah. Low: 18-25Ah; High: 70-120Ah. Ammeter included; Protection class: IP20; Solid metal S-M BATTERY CHARGER MANUAL DE EN DIRECTIONS OF USE | IMPORTANT Read these instructions before using the charger. ES FR IT NL DE EN INTRODUCTION This user 1. Connect the red battery clamp (+) to the positive (+) battery pole. 2. Connect the black batter CHARGING CURRENT INDICATOR FOR STANDARD CHARGERS The charging process will start as soon as the charger is connected to the mains. LED 1 will light up during ABSAAR are the market leaders in Battery Chargers, for the automotive Output Voltage. 12V. Starting Current. 350 Amp. Working Temperature.
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