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Guideline on Pulp Therapy for Primary and Immature Permanent Teeth. Pediatr Dent. 2016 Oct;38(6):280-288. PMID: 27931467. No abstract availableThis guideline is intended to recommend the best currently-available clinical care for pulp treatment, but the. AAPD encourages additional research for AAPD: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. AGREE: Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation. CDC: Centers for Disease Control. CH: Calcium hydroxide. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) intends these recommendations to aid in the diagnosis of pulp health versus pathosis and to set forth the Before exposure and irreversible involvement of the pulp, indirect pulp capping (IPC) is the treatment of choice, but after the spread of inflammation within Guideline on pulp therapy for primary and young permanent teeth The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) intends these These guidelines. Abstract: Purpose: To present an evidence-based guideline for non-vital pulp therapies due to deep caries or trauma in primary teeth. Methods:. This guideline, AAPD's first evidence-based guideline on pulp therapy, is published in both the journal, Pediatric Dentistry, and the AAPD's Reference Manual. Vital pulp therapies for primary teeth with normal pulp or reversible pulpitis include protective liner, indirect pulp treatment, direct pulp cap, and pulpotomy Abstract · To present an evidence-based guideline for non-vital pulp therapies due to deep caries or trauma in primary teeth. · The authors, working with the Abstract · To present an evidence-based guideline for non-vital pulp therapies due to deep caries or trauma in primary teeth. · The authors, working with the
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