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2010 honda accord transmission fluid capacity
1998 honda accord transmission fluid type
2004 honda accord 2.4 transmission fluid capacity
2006 honda accord transmission fluid capacity2008 honda accord transmission fluid capacity
2018 honda accord transmission fluid capacity
2005 honda accord manual transmission fluid capacity
honda accord automatic transmission fluid capacity
Manual Transmission Fluid for Your 1998 Honda Accord · MaxLife Multi-Vehicle (ATF) Full Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid, 1 Gallon · Full Synthetic High it is 2.5 qts for the 5th gen. as for the big oil vs trans fluid mystery the honda's and all manual transmissions for that matter should use mtf. you can useThe manual for the 1998 Honda Accord calls for 2.8 quarts, but 3.0 quarts of automatic transmission fluid brings the fluid to the full mark on the dipstick. 4.2 quarts. w/of. After refill check oil level. Capacity: 4.5 quarts (with filter). After refill check oil level. The manual for the 1998 Honda Accord calls for 2.8 quarts, but 3.0 quarts of automatic transmission fluid brings the fluid to the full mark on the dipstick.
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