Komunita obyvateľov a sympatizantov obce Chorvátsky Grob
Errection of poles can be done by using Bipod/wooden horse made of15 cm G.I. pipe and 6 m long. The spread of the legs should be 10 m. The tie wire for attachment of bipod to the pole is about 6 m long and is made of 7/10 SWG. (3.15 mm) Stay wire and this wire should be attached the pole at 8 m. The pole is slid along the line route. Created Date: 7/6/2005 12:26:21 PM Shorten the 11kv lines back to previous pole. Plant another pole (current transformer sits on two poles) Dig trench from that pole down to the original site. run 240v cable down trench and connect to original 240v line. Distance for trenching is 35m. Cost assumes that I dig the trench for them. 11 KV Substation. Pole-Mounted Sub-Station: 1. It is a distribution sub-station placed overhead on a pole. It is the cheapest form of substation (or 4-pole structure). 3. The 11 kV line is connected to the transformer (11kV / 400 V) through gang isolator and fuses. 4. The lightning arresters are installed on the H.T. side to protect the sub The distance from pole to pole is always the same. 20,014 kilometers, or 12,416 miles when you are measuring across the earths surface. Any points on the earth would have to have its distance from Answer (1 of 5): 11 KV is NOT considered "transmission" voltage - that starts around 69KV Most "distribution" voltages are in the 12,480 volt or 12½KV range A wooden cross arm on a typical pole is 8' long with 4' on either side of the pole. The conductors are 18" apart, but can be as close as 6" possible. Minimum separation distance between power and Communication Circuits should be kept as 61 metres (200 ft.) for 33 KV line provided length of parallelism does not exceed 1.6 Km. For greater distances minimum "separation distance will be governed" by given formula as:- Minimum Spacing = 025 x √ Metres Where, Pole to Pole Distance in 11 KV Line/ 11 KV Line Pole Span Necessary Details given below-1- During Erection of 11 KV Line Maintain Average Span between Pole to Pole is important for maintain Sag of 11 KV Line & Proper Erection of Line . 2- Measurements Tape is necessary for Decide Actual Average Span in 1 KM Line. Pole length Line description Reference to REC Constn. Stds. 7.5M 11KV lines without earthwire L.T. lines, horizontal formation A-4, B-5 8.0M 11KV lines with earthwire L.T. lines, vertical formation A-5, B-6 The adoptable spans shall be as per REC Construction Standards A-8 (for 11 KV Lines) and B-8 (for L.T. Lines) 4.2 9.0 M Poles The line supports used for transmission and distribution of electric power are of various types including. wooden poles. steel poles. RCC poles. lattice steel towers. The choice of supporting structure for a particular case depends upon the line-span, X-sectional area, line voltage, cost and local conditions. Buy Now. a minimum distance of 8.5 feet from the nearest rail to any cross arm, guy, or other attachment. Unguyed poles must be located a minimum distance equal to the height of the pole above the ground line plus 10 feet from the centerline of the nearest track. 7. Pole length: 8M 11KV lines with earth wire L.T. lines, vertical formation. Reference to REC Construction Standards: A-5, B-6 9.0 M Poles These poles shall be used for double pole structures of distribution transformer centers as per REC Construction Standards F-1 to F-4 and for special locations in 11 KV and L.T. Lines, such as road crossings etc. Pole length: 8M 11KV lines with earth wi
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